Alexander also talks about a "Gateway" area which precedes the Core, which looks like a charming valley full of happy people in colorful, peasant-like dress. I have "flown" over that exact scene many times in my visions or dreams.
Several ideas or principles started to occur to me after I read Dr. Alexander's story, and I decided to capture them here. These are just jottings, stream-of-consciousness-style, with no hierarchy and no attempt yet to make them into a coherent argument or treatise.
- We are too bound up by our idea of playing out roles we feel are assigned to us (in the family and other relationships). Whereas all we need to do is to love, emanate love, for others, and relationships will work out fine.
- We already own all there is in the universe (co-own might be a better word). Take care of what you have right now and don't worry about the rest. If you need more it will come in the right time. Coveting "stuff" makes our spirits shrink.
- There is a purpose to being on earth, which has to do with love and growth, but I am unable to articulate it broadly enough yet.
- We are all part of one vast fabric of power and existence (love) that exists in many dimensions. To flow with it is better than to fight against it.
- We do not lose our individuality (after physical death) but our individuality is not characterized by ego, in its essence.
- More to come.
Angel Nebula |
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