
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The 6 C's of Character

Michael Josephson of Character Counts! ( proposes the “Six C’s of Character”:

  1. Be a person of conscience. Listen to the inner voice that helps you know right from wrong and urges you to do what is good and noble.
  2. Be courageous. Resolve to confront the challenges and choices of your life forthrightly. Make the tough decisions that need to be made and, above all, maintain your integrity by doing what you know to be right even when it costs more than you want to pay.
  3. Be considerate. Be more deliberative, thoughtful and attentive as to how your words and actions will affect others, and reflect on your character. Think ahead so you can avoid undesirable and undesired consequences.
  4. Be compassionate. Demonstrate a genuine concern for the well-being of others. Be kinder and more charitable. Strive to understand more and judge less.
  5. Be confident in your capacity to overcome with integrity and dignity whatever difficulties come your way. Don’t underestimate your resiliency. Resolve to persist until you prevail.
  6. Control strong emotions, appetites and urges that tempt you to compromise your principles or sacrifice long-term goals for short-term indulgences.

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